PINK ON THE RINK 2014, News, Pink on the Rink 2014, 2013 - 2014 (South Huron Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2013 - 2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 14, 2013 | Shallon Partridge | 2820 views


South Huron Minor Hockey Association
Presents their 2ND Annual

For Breast Cancer Research
  Women's Hockey Tournament

January 10,11,12,2014
Exeter, Ontario

 “B” Division-PeeWee,Bantam,Midget,Senior
“C” Division- Novice,Atom,PeeWee,Bantam & Midget
Houseleage Atom, Peewee, Bantam, Midget

Entry $695.00 per Team
Sanctioned by OWHA
3 Game Guarantee with MVP Awards for each game
All games played in South Huron at
South Huron Recreation Centre or Stephen Township Arena
Game Times for all divisions 10-10-15

Hurry, Only 6 Teams per Division will be Accepted

Registration Deadline is December 14,2013
For more Information please visit our Website
Or Heather Wells at [email protected] or 519-671-2988
Mail registration to: 214 Prince Albert St. Centralia, Ontario N0M 1K0

2nd Annual Pink on the Rink 2014.pdf

South Huron Minor Hockey Association Women’s Hockey Tournament
RULES – 2014

    1.    CHA rules and OWHA rules shall apply except where listed below.
    2.    All Teams must be registered with the OWHA and CHA
    3.    All teams from outside Canada require a Travel Permit, Certified Roster and Medical Insurance.
    4.    Birth Certificates must be available for the players when registering.
    5.    Team Representatives must check in at the registration desk one(1) hour prior to the team’s first game. Teams must be available to play thirty(30)minutes prior to their scheduled games.
    6.    There will be a maximum of seventeen(17) skaters plus two(2) goaltenders allowed per team, as well as a five (5)coaches, managers or trainers on the bench. A player may play for only one team during the tournament.
    7.    All teams are guaranteed 3 games. There will be one championship game per division.
    8.    Round Robin play will determine group placing. Two (2)points will be awarded for a win, one (1) for a tie.
    9.    No overtime during round robin games.
    10.    In the event of a tie for first or second place in a pool or division, the following tie-breakers will be used.
a)Record of most wins b) Record against other tied teams c) goals for and against percentage of all games played, d)lowest total penalty minutes e)toss of coin.
    1.    All divisions games will be 10-10-15 for Novice, Atom,PeeWee, Bantam and Midget, there will be a 2 minute warm-up
    2.    In semi-final and final play, ties will be broken in the following manner a)5 minutes stop time sudden victory b)Three player shoot-out from each team, If still tied, subsequent shots will be sudden victory from rotating shooters from the bench. Players do not change ends after third period.
    3.    One thirty(30) second time out for championship games only.
     14.    Intent to injure and fighting penalties will result in the player being ejected    
         from the game and the remainder of the tournament.
     15.    No body checking is allowed in any division.
16.     All players must wear BNQ Approved Neck Protectors
17.    All decisions of the Tournament Organizing Committee are final.

South Huron Minor Hockey Tournament Info Sheet
January 10,11,12,2014
Pink on the Rink for Breast Cancer Research

TEAM Name:________________________________________
Team#:        ___________________________________

Mailing Address for above Team:
Name:    _____________________________
Street:    _____________________________
City:    _____________________________
Prov/State:    ________________________
Postal Code/Zip:______________________

Novice                        C______          HL______
Atom                            C_______        HL______
PeeWee        B______    C_______        HL______
Bantam        B______    C_______        HL______
Midget         B______    C_______        HL______
Senior        B______
Please mark the appropriate Division and Category

Coach: __________________ Phone:____________
Assistant Coach______________________________

Please send Cheque payable to South Huron Minor Hockey Association and forms to Heather Wells            email: [email protected]
214 Prince Albert St        Fax: 519-235-3382
Centralia, Ontario            Phone: 519-671-2988
N0M 1K0

South Huron Minor Hockey Association-Pink on the Rink Team Roster

Sweater #        Name(print)                Date of Birth
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