Oct 11, 2022 | Kim Kramer | 369 views
2022-2023 Goalie Clinic
South Huron will be once again hosting goalie clinics open to South Huron registered goalies from division U11 through U18.
The first session will be held on Tuesday, October 18 - 7pm STA
Through the continued generous sponsorship from Skillen Investments, we are able to offer these clinics at no cost to our goalies.
All sessions will be held at STA
Tuesday, October 18th 7pm
Tuesday, November 1st 7pm
Tuesday, November 15th 7pm
Tuesday, November 29th 7pm
Tuesday, December 13th 7pm
Additional dates have now been added!
Tuesday, January 10th - 7pm
Tuesday, January 24th - 7pm
Tuesday, February 7th - 7pm
Tuesday, February 21st - 7pm
To reserve your spot, please complete the REGISTRATION form
Thank you Skillen Investments!